I found myself looking at this blog back in January, thinking surely I will keep this up and bridge all the gaps in the 6 years we spent in Alaska! But I haven't. With school and busy mom life, oh yeah and a cross continental move in the mix, I found many excuses to not to blog. But recently I have found new inspiration, or competition depending on how you look it! There are so many great blogs out there! Many friends have shared their families stories with me through this medium and I feel compelled to keep up with the Jones's...Perkin's, Smith's and whoever else is out there bogging there family routines and fun times. Thanks for sharing and inspiring me to continue.
I know, I know... I have to go back, and I will (eventually) add to the lost Alaska years. But for now, I have to start somewhere and that somewhere is here in Hanna, Wyoming, our home for now. We got here back in April and have been moving in, renovating, and blazing new trails in this here old west! It has been fun, and not so fun. But never the less, here we are and we are making the best of it!
We have had birthdays and baptisms, shopping sprees ( YEAH!) and a few trips back to Utah for visits and fun times with friends and family! We are so glad to be back in the world! I can not even put into words, how happy we all are to be closer to you all! Although, we are still missing wonderful friends back in Juneau. Hopefully it won't be too long before we see you again. But for now, this blog will have to do! Watch the slide show...more to come.