I can tell you that it did not go over well with our kids, having to stay home with mom while dad went and camped and fished with out them! Camryn had a mild melt down and proceeded to tell me why it was so unfair that she hasn't been able to fish for a whole year and a half...why does dad get to go first? Then Alex asked his dad if Scott really wanted to go. After hearing the answer was yes, Scott wanted to go,and didn't have to go, Alex went off to sulk about the injustice.
We all know that camping does not rank up there as one of my most favorite things to do. I will do it...I have done it before...just prefer me an R.V. or a cabin with a bed and running water somewhere! HAHAHAHA So I was not feeling one bit bad about not being able to go. I guess my kids sensed this. A few days ago Camryn asked if Dad would put the tent up in the back yard so she could feel like she was camping. He abliged...erecting it up on the trampoline so it wouldn't kill the grass.
It's a good thing he did it that way, it's now the home away from home. For the past three nights Alex and Camryn have slept in it, watched movies and stayed up way past midnight. The first night Cheridyn slept out there...but not much sleeping happened. The older kids asked if she could please sleep in her room. Now there is some injustice for you!
That's Camryn hiding from the sun about eight this morning.
Cheridyn told me that all we needed for camping was the fire and marshmallows. That's my girl! If a fire and marshmallows was all there is to camping, I'd be doing it every weekend. I'd be the first to say, let's do it s'more!