To say that today was a typical Cooley day would not do it justice. I had homework, the kids were "bored", and there is more to do around here chore wise than I really care to get into right now. But, I managed to talk to few friends and connect, which always brightens my day, and I had a chance to have some one on one time with Alex. He is all boy, and all about making me laugh, or tyring to figure me out. He has such a sweetness about him that is rather mischievous. I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but those of you who know him can relate. I am terribly bias to his charm and cuteness. I know that we are in real trouble with this one. All it takes is one flash of his smile, and you are gone...!
We were on a secret mission, (because everything with boys this age must either involve a weapon, something on wheels, or must be covert) to the store this afternoon. We were talking and getting the essentials, ice cream and drinks. He sees a girl from his class there and points out that she has a crush on him, then sees another boy from school and makes conversation with him. During the engaging chat about how they had met at school, and how cool it is that this other nine year old gets to work at the store, the boy is ripping off a huge band-aid from his knee to show us his latest war wound, and proudly announces how he got those stitches. Awesome!
I tried to warn him not to take off the bandage, because it would not stick again, but he ignored me, go figure.
After the gripping tale, we made our way to the cashier, paid for our loot and went out the door. After we got into the truck, Alex struck up another conversation, one that I likely will never forget. As we near the end of our journey he tells me that he knows what men think. HUH? "You know what men think?" I asked him. "Yep, I do." came his confident reply. Without missing a beat I turn to him and say that he MUST tell me what he knows. Smiling that smile at me, he retorted, "Mom, you have to figure that out for yourself." "I have been trying for 35 years to figure out what men think, and now you say you have the have to tell me what you know."
Inside, my gut was splitting. I could not wait for the answer. He said to me that some men he knows, not Dad, but some other men, think that other women they are not married to are..........................(pause was added by him for affect I think).
He was stunned that I beat him to the punch. "Hot?" I asked. "Yeah, they do! And some guys don't even know how to fix things. And some guys like girl stuff too. Like me, I like pink and I am not ashamed to admit it!"
Holy Cow! How old is this kid? And who are these other men besides Dad anyway? I am telling you, this was mom gold! I was hanging on his every word. For that moment he totally had me wrapped...I wonder of he noticed? It was brilliant.
And to top it off, we saw a rainbow. He likes them, more girl stuff. But it could not have been more appropriate if I had planned it myself. Nothing like a little boy, who thinks he's a man, getting excited over a beautiful rainbow and wondering if there really is any gold at the end of it.
Well, I can tell you that today, there certainly was!