The kids finally got their camping wish! Last Friday, we packed up the Trailblazer with a cooler full of food and the tent and headed out. We weren't sure where we were goin...but we were sure glad when we got there FINALLY!
Wyoming is beautiful, far more than I ever thought it could be, especially in these parts. The Snowy Range provided us a fun filled weekend complete guessed it: A camp fire and S'mores!
Scott is a great camper, the kids are excellent! Me, not so much. But I did build a very impressive fire, all by myself. Props to Mom for that one. Hot dogs and marshmallows were successfully roasted, and eaten. The art of knife throwing was taught and practiced ( I watched from a safe distance). There was squirrel hunting..can you get anymore redneck I ask you? Dirt sculptures were made and destroyed. I slept on the ground, in a tent...what more can I say? Thankfully we were very close to the toilet, and it didn't stink that much.
I am glad for these moments, when my children are in their element, along with their Dad. He loves the outdoors so much, and that is not something I can teach them. I am glad for opportunities to spend time doing what they love. Even though I don't love it as much, (I am getting coming around)I LOVE being with my family and that's what counts.