Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summer Vacation

We had a great time in Utah this last week. We were sad that our trip was cut short by the chicken pox though! Better safe than sorry, we decided to go home incase the other two got it and so Alex could sleep in his own bed and be comfortable there. Although we did not get to see everyone we wanted to see, we did do a lot of fun stuff! We were away from home a record 8 days! Never before in Cooley history have we been gone from home that long.

Thank you to all who let us stay and play!

While on our adventure, we swam, went roller blading at the Ogden River Parkway, visited family and friends, ate out at our favorite places, saw the TreeHouse Children's Museum, Dinosaur Park, and swam some more. Alex enthrawled us with his back flips off the high dive at the Roy pool! Other people were watching him and saying how incredible he was. It truly was awesome! Camryn even conquered her fear and went off the high dive twice! No flips yet for her...but fantastic for her none the less. Here are some pictures of the fun we had. More to come.

Dinosaur Park In Ogden

There was a lot to see and do at the dino park! The kids loved it.

Swimming with their cousins in Aunt DeDe's pool.

All in all, it was a fun summer vacation for all of us!

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