Tuesday, March 9, 2010

First Quarter Report

Okay, last post was over 3 months ago and of course a lot has happened since then. For all three of you who actually follow my blog, you probably already know the scoop.

Days are flying by. But as I reflected on my last post; which was more of a mission statement than a resolution for the new year, I realized that I am fulfilling it. So I guess my not making a resolution because I can't stick to it, worked!

Slowing down and taking time to appreciate the simple things in life is what I am doing right now. The kids have begun their new schools and are really enjoying all of the choices that are coming their way. Scott starts his new job next Monday, and then it will be just a 4 year old and I. I am looking forward to this time with her. The last time I was approaching having no children at home during the day, I was having another baby. This time, I own the alone time. I am looking forward to all the things I can do, or not do with an entire day to myself.

Here's hoping spring brings many more blessings and wonderment to our lives!


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